Friday, December 2, 2011

Affordable Kitchen Makeovers, Great for Houses on the Market

If you're selling your home then you should know that one of the popular rooms that tops buyers' favorites list is the kitchen. So it makes sense to spend time, energy, and even a little money to make it shine. That thought can make some sellers cringe. The thought of spending money to fix up a kitchen in a home that they're about ready to sell is unpalatable. However, it could make the difference between a buyer making a higher offer or even any offer at all.

Making upgrades can be simple and easy. Start simple, and you'll find these upgrades are really not too bad!

- Deep cleaning
-Scrub down appliances
-Add molding to cabinets

For more ideas, and more on the ideas above, visit Phoebe Chongchua's article that is quoted above!


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