Friday, February 3, 2012
6 Design Tricks for a Small Home
Posted by Susan Lesczynski on 12:07 PM
Not every home can be the huge space we sometimes desire. Sometimes a smaller house can have a desirable location and price. Renovations to these smaller homes can be the key to making them work. Here are six design tips for small home from MSN Real Estate.
1. Raise the roof: This isn't always possible, but if you can put higher ceilings in, the space feels larger.
2. See outside: Large glass windows, doors, or even walls can bring the outside in. The room will feel larger when the outdoors seem to blend with the indoor space.
3. Define your space: Decoration can be key. Simple, geometric shapes in paintings, light fixtures, etc, can give the room a different feel than less defined items.
4. Think in three dimensions: In a small space it is important to consider how something looks from all angles, not just one.
5. Use natural light: This one is similar to number 2, but the more natural light you let it, the bigger the area seems.
6. Put an outdoor space upstars: This, once again, isn't always possible, but putting a patio on a roof or a 2nd floor balcony opens things up.
For more information and expanded commentary on these ideas visit the MSN Real Estate article!
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